You can get advices in a few different ways. The quickest and most direct way is when you ask direct questions about your present situation on my ''mobile-office'' through video call. You can send me your request on e-mail and you will receive instructions how to make a video-appointment.
Written answers to your questions and personal horoscope you can order by e-mail and a team of coworkers will prepare one or more individual analysis.
For PAYMENT DETAILS: just send an e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
A. PERSONAL HOROSCOPE contains the character analysis of the person, his or her relationship with the environment (family, partner, authority), his or her character aspects which should be developed, and faults which need improvement, with specific advice and recommendation.
B. PERSONAL HOROSCOPE WITH A YEARLY FORECAST contains a character analysis, his or her relationship with the environment (family, partner, authority), his or her aspects which should be developed, and faults which need improvement, with specific advice and recommendation PLUS a forecast for a period of one year in the most important areas of life (health, family, love, work) with specific answers to your particular questions.
C. COMPARATIVE HOROSCOPE contains a comparative analysis for two people, their common potential and possibilities, possible obstacles and problems in their relationship and capabilities so that they can improve and develop. Relationships can be different: family (parent-child, child-child), business, love (steady relationship, marriage, love affairss) regardless of sex and sexual orientation.
REQUIRED DETAILS for all given analysis are: year, date and time of birth, place of birth (nearest big city) and the country of the person for whom you have ordered a consultation, and for everyone for whom you want a comparative analysis.
With every analysis we include a graphic representation of each personal horoscope.
Details of the other person:
- name, sex;
- country and place of birth;
- type of relationship (family, work, love, etc.)